(function(factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {

AMD. Register as an anonymous module.

define(['Handlebars', 'underscore'], factory); } else {

Use browser globals. Will fail if they are not yet loaded.

/*globals Handlebars, _ */ factory(Handlebars, _); } }(function(Marionette, Backbone, $, _) { Handlebars.registerHelper('$', function(partialName) { var context; var options; var partial; var values;

If there was no partial passed, throw an error.

if (!partialName) { throw new Error('No partial name given.'); }

Create values array with all the arguments after the first one, which is partial.

values =, 1);

Pop options off the end. It is passed from handlebars and is not user defined.

options = values.pop();

Resolve partialName into a partial previously registered with Handlebars.

partial = Handlebars.partials[partialName]; if (!partial) { throw new Error('Partial \"' + partialName + '\" not found'); }

Extend context with the parameters passed in.

context = _.extend({}, options.context || this, _.omit(options, 'context', 'fn', 'inverse'));

Call the original partial with the extended context.

return new Handlebars.SafeString(partial(context)); }); }));